
Importance Of Goal Setting

Goal setting provides a Balance, a sense of direction and help you develop focus and a sense of purpose. Goal Setting gives you a look into the future and gives you an opportunity to learn from your accomplishments and missed opportunities.

How Will Goal Setting help Me?

Goal setting is like a roadmap on your road trip to your future success. Goal settings will show you how to take actions on your dreams.  With goal setting you will learn about yourself: what do you like, what is important and what areas of your life you need to work on to improve. Goal setting will teach you how to stay motivated and determine even when the going gets tough.

Benefits of Goal Setting

Goal Setting will help you:

  • Recognize your Abilities
  • Have a sense of the Bigger picture
  • Organize your Time
  • Have a sense of Ownership
  • Build your Self-Image
  • Turn your Dreams into Reality


“The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.” ~ Bill Copeland


Blog Author
Zintle Mlanzeli
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