NBT PREPARATION for 2019 university intake

The National Benchmark Tests (NBTs) were commissioned by Higher Education South Africa (HESA) with the task of assessing academic readiness of first year university students as a supplement to secondary school reports on learning achieved in content specific courses.

The NBT’s assess the ability to combine aspects of prior learning in competency areas – Academic Literacy (AL), Quantitative Literacy (QL) and Mathematics (MAT) – that directly impact on success of first year university students

What are the benefits to attending Life Choices NBT preparation?

NBT preparation days

The NBTs do not have to be scary! Life Choices NBT PREPARATION is designed to give you a first-hand understanding of NBTs methodology:

If you’re looking for external evaluators, we also provide services in data collection, analysis and report writing. We conduct quantitative (numeric) data analysis in Excel and SPSS and qualitative data (e.g. interview and focus group) analysis in Atlas.ti. We can analyse your existing data or assist you in collecting new data. We write reader-friendly and visually enticing reports which will be understandable to your stakeholders.

  • Type of questions you can expect in your National Benchmark test;
  • Managing stress associated with NBTs;
  • Your AQL baseline performance; and
  • What to do next to better prepare to write the real NBTs.

Venue and Price

If you want to know whether existing theory and research supports your interventions, we can conduct literature reviews for your organization.

Next NBT preparation Date

03rd of April – 06th of April 2018

Who should attend the Life Choices NBT preparation days?

Anyone intending to apply to higher education (a grade 12 or someone that has completed grade 12).

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