Megan Meyer

Megan Meyer: Opportunities Everywhere

Opportunities Everywhere

by Megan Meyer

Megan Meyers, being apart of the Salesian Life Choices Academy has made me see myself and my future differently. I graduated from high school in 2010, and because we lacked the finances I could not study further and found administrative jobs after school, after saving money I decided to teach English in China. While I loved it there, I knew it was not my passion. I had an interest in graphic design and websites and had hoped to study part-time but I knew money would be a problem. Shortly, after I returned to South Africa, I was told about the Academy. Being part of the course has allowed me to turn my interest into something tangible and in the process has shifted the focus of my goals and ambitions. The skills I have been building through the course are not only focused on Coding and Website Developing but also learning life skills like budgeting, and how to be interview ready. We recently went through mock job interviews, it was helpful in understanding how to present and articulate ourselves in an interview.

The best part thus far of the course has bee learning about HTML and CSS (Cascading style sheets), and Javascript. Learning these new skills has been challenging but it has opened many doors… I feel motivated about my future because I can go into web designing, graphic designing, game developing, consulting..the options are endless!

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